• Original research article
  • March 31, 2019
  • Open access



The article provides an analysis of the perception and use of the dramaturgy of the XVIII-XIX centuries and, in particular, the dramaturgy of the great Russian fabulist I. A. Krylov with educational and teaching purposes in senior classes of secondary school. It is suggested to use the study and reference to classical dramaturgy as a method of pedagogical educational impact in Literature classes. In this regard, the paper contains a thorough analysis of one-act Krylov’s plays, highlighting the theme and problems of each work, focuses on the genre of dramaturgy and the principles of the educational aspect of the writer’s creative work as a whole.


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  5. Крылов И. А. Сочинения: в 2-х т. / вступ. ст. Н. А. Степанова. М.: Библиотека «Огонек» Изд-ва «Правда», 1956. Т. 2. 475 с.
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Author information

Lyudmila Mikhailovna Geroeva

Saint Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: February 6, 2019.
  • Published: March 31, 2019.


  • воспитание
  • культурное наследие драматургии И. А. Крылова
  • обучение и воспитание старших школьников
  • воспитание патриотизма
  • воспитание нравственности
  • комедии И. А. Крылова
  • education
  • cultural heritage of I. A. Krylov’s dramaturgy
  • senior pupils teaching and upbringing
  • patriotism development
  • morality development
  • I. A. Krylov’s comedies


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