Analysis of a certain musical composition is a key point in studying the history of music. Pedagogical science uses different methods - from consistent-descriptive to problematic and generalizing ones. Overcoming drawbacks is most efficient if the analysis is based on the conceptual foundation of a composition since just the conception as ideological and meaningful substrate is an important integrating factor, which unites all the elements of a composition into the semantic integrity. Such an approach promotes overcoming three interrelated imperfections that are frequent in the musical and historical analysis: tendency for affirmation - descriptive nature - technologism.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: February 28, 2018.
- Published: April 30, 2018.
- анализ музыкального произведения
- различные методы музыкально-исторического анализа
- распространённые недостатки анализа
- преимущества концепционного подхода
- преодоление бытующих дефектов анализа
- analysis of musical composition
- various methods of musical and historical analysis
- common shortcomings of analysis
- advantages of concept-based approach
- overcoming of existing analysis defects
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