Developing English-Language Lexical Competence among Alfa Generation Children Using Mobile Applications
The research objective includes theoretical justification and approbation of methodology for teaching the English vocabulary to Alfa generation children using mobile applications. The article considers the problem of using mobile and information technologies to develop English-language lexical competence among preschool children. The mobile application “Magic English” allows solving effectively the problem of teaching the English vocabulary to preschool children. The application contains a great number of entertaining exercises and mini games that facilitate information assimilation. Scientific originality of the study involves theoretical analysis of the existing mobile applications and justification of their efficiency as an additional means of teaching English to preschool children. The conclusion is made about reasonability of using mobile applications (in particular, “Magic English”) as an additional means of teaching English to Alfa generation children.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: February 28, 2020.
- Published: April 21, 2020.
- мобильное обучение
- мобильное приложение
- развитие лексики английского языка
- дети дошкольного возраста
- упражнения
- онлайн-игры
- mobile learning
- mobile application
- developing English-language lexical competence
- preschool children
- exercises
- online games
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