Specificity of Forming Junior Pupils’ Crosscultural Communicative Competence in Extracurricular Project Activity with the Use of Authentic Materials
The research objective is to identify difficulties while forming junior pupils’ crosscultural communicative competence and to develop methodological recommendations on the formation of junior pupils’ crosscultural communicative competence in extracurricular project activity with the use of authentic materials. The authors consider specificity of forming crosscultural communicative competence at the early stage of foreign language teaching and justify the necessity to use authentic materials while developing crosscultural communicative competence. Scientific originality of the paper lies in identifying the following basic difficulties while forming junior pupils’ crosscultural communicative competence: semantization of non-equivalent vocabulary, pupils’ insufficient knowledge of domestic realia, low motivation for studying a foreign language, limited vocabulary, lack of linguistic environment in extracurricular activity. Theoretical and practical study allowed the authors to develop methodological recommendations for overcoming possible difficulties while forming crosscultural communicative competence in extracurricular project activity with the use of authentic materials.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: February 25, 2020.
- Published: April 21, 2020.
- межкультурная коммуникативная компетенция младших школьников
- аутентичные материалы
- проектная деятельность в начальной школе
- внеурочная деятельность в начальной школе
- junior pupils’ intercultural communicative competence
- authentic materials
- project activity at primary school
- extracurricular activity at primary school
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