• Original research article
  • June 30, 2020
  • Open access

Social Communication among the Russian Law Enforcement Officers


The study aims to describe peculiarities of social communication among the Russian law enforcement officers. The article presents the main approaches to defining “communication”, analyses the basic social communication skills of the Russian law enforcement officers. The study is novel in that it treats the peculiarities and structure of social communication among the Russian law enforcement officers as a factor contributing to their successful performance of social functions and execution of tasks related to maintaining and keeping public order and security. The results of analysing approaches to the notion “social communication” reveal specific peculiarities of this process and also identify the main principles of social communication among law enforcement officers.


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Author information

Mikhail Sergeevich Guzeev

Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: April 4, 2020.
  • Published: June 30, 2020.


  • социальная коммуникация
  • классификация социальной коммуникации
  • принципы социальной коммуникации
  • социальное воспитание
  • офицер силовых ведомств
  • виды социальной коммуникации
  • social communication
  • social communication classification
  • social communication principles
  • social education
  • law enforcement officer
  • types of social communication


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© 2020 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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