Notion of Professional’s Secondary Linguistic Personality in Domestic and Foreign Linguodidactics: Systematic Review
The authors have conducted a systematic review to analyse functioning of the “linguistic personality” concept and alternative concepts in domestic and foreign linguodidactics. The article considers specificity of the “linguistic personality” concept representation in domestic and foreign linguistic and linguodidactic discourses. Scientific originality of the paper lies in the fact that the researchers examine functioning of the corresponding terminological units both in the Russian-language and English-language linguistic and linguodidactic discourse. Moreover, the terms “language” / “linguistic persona” / “personality” / “identity” etc. are analysed from the viewpoint of their usage in foreign authors’ works. The conducted research allows identifying two basic tendencies: firstly, existence of multiple representations of the concept “linguistic personality” in the English language, and, secondly, inconsistency in domestic and foreign studies on a personality’s linguistic specificity in the process of teaching professional foreign language.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: June 8, 2020.
- Published: August 31, 2020.
- отечественная лингводидактика
- зарубежная лингводидактика
- вторичная языковая личность
- языковая личность профессионала
- систематический обзор
- domestic linguodidactics
- foreign linguodidactics
- secondary linguistic personality
- professional’s linguistic personality
- systematic review
© 2020 The Author(s)
© 2020 Gramota Publishing, LLC