Functional Components of Pragmatic Competence and Their Role in Development of Communication Skills of Higher Education Institutions Students in the Process of Teaching English
The study aims to identify functional components of pragmatic competence, whose systematic realisation in the process of teaching English makes for effective improvement of communication skills of higher education institutions students. The work presents a relevant structure of pragmatic competence, determines its component composition and identifies functions of certain components. Scientific novelty of the work is substantiated by integration of investigative methods of cognitive linguistics, pragmalinguistics and sociolinguistics employed to provide a rationale for specificity of pragmatic competence development in the process of foreign language learning at a higher education institution. As a result, it was found that the level of pragmatic competence development correlates with the degree of cross-language interference overcoming and linguocultural gaps eliminating when choosing particular verbal and non-verbal means for reaching a communicative goal in the process of communication in English.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: October 27, 2020.
- Published: December 30, 2020.
- прагматическая компетенция
- функциональные компоненты
- коммуникативные умения
- высшее учебное заведение
- обучение английскому языку
- pragmatic competence
- functional components
- communication skills
- higher education institution
- teaching English
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