Foreign Language Distance Education at Higher School Using the Microsoft Teams Platform
The study aims to analyse organisation of foreign language distance education (using the example of Microsoft Teams) at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation and to determine positive and negative aspects of education in the chosen format. The article considers the concept of “distance education”, experience of using the Microsoft Teams platform to organise students’ foreign language activities online, as well as attitude of educational process participants towards the distance education format. Scientific novelty of the paper lies in identifying the main characteristics of a relatively new way of organising foreign language education at university basing on experience of using the Microsoft Teams platform. As a result of the study, advantages and disadvantages of conducting online foreign language classes are determined and predominantly positive attitude of students and teachers towards distance education is revealed.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: April 26, 2021.
- Published: June 30, 2021.
- дистанционное обучение
- технология обучения
- иностранный язык
- высшая школа
- платформа Microsoft Teams
- distance education
- educational technology
- foreign language
- higher school
- Microsoft Teams platform
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