• Original research article
  • April 29, 2022
  • Open access

Effort of Studying Inspiration and Associated Emotional Experiences in the Creative Activities of Student Youth


The purpose of the research is to identify the interrelationships between various aspects of manifestations of inspiration in the creative activities of university students (emotional experiences associated with inspiration, characteristic features of the state of inspiration, semantic associations related to inspiration, areas of creative activities), using the example of students of the Siberian Federal University. The paper considers the results of a study of university students conducted by means of a questionnaire survey on a sample of 450 people, discusses the experience of using indicators and data analysis techniques. Scientific novelty of the research lies in developing tools for studying manifestations of inspiration in students involving methods of multivariate statistics. As a result, the researcher shows the possibility of using multidimensional scaling for a qualitative study of the structure of students’ emotional experiences. A cluster of positive emotional experiences associated with the state of inspiration has been identified. An index indicator for the degree of expression of the characteristics of inspiration in students’ creative activities has been proposed. The interrelationship between the degree of manifestation, expression of the characteristics of inspiration in students’ creative activities and their positive emotional experiences, various areas of creative activities has been determined. The proposed indicators and methods of analysing the results can be used to study and monitor the creative activities of university students. The identified structural patterns associated with the state of inspiration expand the understanding of the psychotechnical and pedagogical possibilities of the creative process.


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Author information

Pavel Anatolievich Starikov


Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: March 3, 2022.
  • Published: April 29, 2022.


  • инструментарий педагогического исследования
  • творческая деятельность
  • студенты вуза
  • вдохновение
  • эмоциональные переживания
  • многомерное шкалирование
  • pedagogical research tools
  • creative activities
  • university students
  • inspiration
  • emotional experiences
  • multidimensional scaling


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