Contents April 29, 2022 Open access 2022. Volume 7. Issue 3 All issues Top General Pedagogy Effort of Studying Inspiration and Associated Emotional Experiences in the Creative Activities of Student Youth P. A. Starikov Vocational Education Actualisation of English Language Teaching Materials for International Relations Students in the New Reality of 2022 (by the Example of the Institute of International Relations of the Kazan Federal University) N. V. Arzhantseva T. K. Ivanova D. V. Tyabina Linguo-Didactic Model of Secondary Linguistic Personality Formation in Professionally Oriented Teaching a Foreign Language to Students of Non-Linguistic Specialties E. I. Bazhenova K. A. Kouzmina I. A. Tkacheva Innovative Technologies for Involving Higher School Students in Reading D. V. Vasev Advantages of Introducing Electronic Simulators into the Process of Foreign Language Teaching at Non-Linguistic University N. V. Vorobyeva Transdisciplinary Engineering Training of Master’s Students in Bioengineering at a Federal University B. N. Guzanov A. A. Baranova I. N. Bazhukova Structuring of Problematic Situations in Teachers’ Activities When Organising Physical Education in Inclusive Conditions M. N. Kleimenova E. V. Timofeeva T. A. Kosacheva E. I. Sheenko Y. A. Bakhmutskaya Integration of Learning Personalization Elements into Electronic Educational Content of Foreign Language University Course S. S. Mirontseva T. A. Pavlova I. A. Semenkina V. I. Shevchenko O. V. Chengar Resource Potential of Elective Courses in Training a Future Foreign Language Teacher to Design Programmes of Education, Instruction and Socialisation of Atypical Schoolchildren G. V. Sorokovykh N. G. Pribylova S. G. Staritsyna Theory and Methods of Teaching and Upbringing Theoretical Aspects of Genre Competence Formation in Cadets When Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language (Commanding Profile) M. V. Goncharova Development of Foreign Language Listening Skills in Younger Schoolchildren Using Internet Resources I. A. Krylova N. D. Matyushin Introduction of Cultural Component in the Process of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language on the Basis of Vocabulary Containing Evaluation of Person’s Appearance A. S. Chakushkina Features of Teaching Chinese Watercolour Techniques to Chinese Students - Future Teachers of Fine Arts en Plein Air Hongbin Chang Remedial Education Motor Abilities Development in Older Preschoolers with General Speech Underdevelopment T. A. Altukhova K. E. Panasenko L. V. Shinkareva E. A. Nikolaeva History of Pedagogy and Education Analysing Foreign Design Education (by the Example of Western Europe, the USA and China) G. A. Kuvshinova Reviews Issue of Studying Semantic Reading in Students with Health Limitations in the Context of Education Digitalisation: A Theoretical Review M. G. Ivleva L. V. Lopatina
Effort of Studying Inspiration and Associated Emotional Experiences in the Creative Activities of Student Youth P. A. Starikov
Actualisation of English Language Teaching Materials for International Relations Students in the New Reality of 2022 (by the Example of the Institute of International Relations of the Kazan Federal University) N. V. Arzhantseva T. K. Ivanova D. V. Tyabina
Linguo-Didactic Model of Secondary Linguistic Personality Formation in Professionally Oriented Teaching a Foreign Language to Students of Non-Linguistic Specialties E. I. Bazhenova K. A. Kouzmina I. A. Tkacheva
Advantages of Introducing Electronic Simulators into the Process of Foreign Language Teaching at Non-Linguistic University N. V. Vorobyeva
Transdisciplinary Engineering Training of Master’s Students in Bioengineering at a Federal University B. N. Guzanov A. A. Baranova I. N. Bazhukova
Structuring of Problematic Situations in Teachers’ Activities When Organising Physical Education in Inclusive Conditions M. N. Kleimenova E. V. Timofeeva T. A. Kosacheva E. I. Sheenko Y. A. Bakhmutskaya
Integration of Learning Personalization Elements into Electronic Educational Content of Foreign Language University Course S. S. Mirontseva T. A. Pavlova I. A. Semenkina V. I. Shevchenko O. V. Chengar
Resource Potential of Elective Courses in Training a Future Foreign Language Teacher to Design Programmes of Education, Instruction and Socialisation of Atypical Schoolchildren G. V. Sorokovykh N. G. Pribylova S. G. Staritsyna
Theoretical Aspects of Genre Competence Formation in Cadets When Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language (Commanding Profile) M. V. Goncharova
Development of Foreign Language Listening Skills in Younger Schoolchildren Using Internet Resources I. A. Krylova N. D. Matyushin
Introduction of Cultural Component in the Process of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language on the Basis of Vocabulary Containing Evaluation of Person’s Appearance A. S. Chakushkina
Features of Teaching Chinese Watercolour Techniques to Chinese Students - Future Teachers of Fine Arts en Plein Air Hongbin Chang
Motor Abilities Development in Older Preschoolers with General Speech Underdevelopment T. A. Altukhova K. E. Panasenko L. V. Shinkareva E. A. Nikolaeva
Analysing Foreign Design Education (by the Example of Western Europe, the USA and China) G. A. Kuvshinova
Issue of Studying Semantic Reading in Students with Health Limitations in the Context of Education Digitalisation: A Theoretical Review M. G. Ivleva L. V. Lopatina