From Genre Approaches in Teaching English as a Second Language to the Integrated Cross-Cultural Model of Genre Pedagogy: A Theoretical Review
The purpose of the review is to define and synthesize major trends of genre approaches development in the Anglo-American and worldwide pedagogical contexts of teaching English as a foreign language as well as present this relatively new field for the Russian pedagogy and focus on its most important concepts and methods. The novelty of the research is threefold. First, the genre approach is manifested in the new model of genre pedagogy that is based on three leading schools - the Sydney School of Genre Pedagogy, English for Specific Purposes (ESP), the New Rhetoric. Second, the review deals with new methods suggested by the proponents of these schools - the curriculum cycle (the Sydney School of Genre Pedagogy), the move-step structure (ESP), the rhetorical planning wheel (the New Rhetoric). Third, the hypothesis of the effectiveness of the genre approach allows us to talk about its possible implementation in the teaching practice of ESP and Academic Writing courses. The result of the review is the model of genre pedagogy suggested by the proponents of the three schools. The model foregrounds professional genres and communicative practices, synthesizing explicit and implicit methods of teaching genres in the modern context of computer-mediated communication that is based on the student-centered approach and the development of the learner autonomy.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: April 10, 2022.
- Published: May 23, 2022.
- жанровая педагогика
- cистемная функциональная лингвистика
- английский для специальных целей
- новая риторика
- студентоцентричный подход
- genre pedagogy
- Systemic Functional Linguistics
- English for Specific Purposes
- New Rhetoric
- student-centered approach
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