• Original research article
  • October 21, 2022
  • Open access

Implementation of Edutainment Technology When Teaching Foreign Language Listening to Students - Future English Teachers


The study aims to show the effectiveness of integrating edutainment technology into the methodology of foreign language teaching for the development of listening skills in English among language university students - future English teachers. The paper considered TED Talks public lectures within the framework of edutainment technology, selected 18 video lectures in accordance with the topics of the “Keynote” learning and teaching support kit, modelled an exercise system consisting of 5 types of tasks: true or false, matching, fill in the gaps, multiple choice, open-ended questions. In addition, a pedagogical experiment involving students - future English teachers at Kazan Federal University was described. Scientific novelty lies in creating a system of tasks aimed at developing university students’ foreign language listening skills using TED Talks public lectures within the framework of the edutainment concept. The results of the conducted pedagogical experiment, in which 50 second-year students of Kazan Federal University - future English teachers took part, allow the researchers to conclude that the use of the task system developed on the basis of TED Talks public lectures has a positive effect on the development of listening skills.


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Author information

Elvira Nailevna Gimadieva

Kazan (Volga region) Federal University

Leila Leonardovna Salekhova


Kazan (Volga region) Federal University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: September 5, 2022.
  • Published: October 21, 2022.


  • технология эдьютейнмент
  • методика обучения иностранному языку
  • иноязычное аудирование
  • студенты языкового вуза
  • публичные лекции TED Talks
  • edutainment technology
  • methods of foreign language teaching
  • foreign language listening
  • language university students
  • TED Talks public lectures


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