• Original research article
  • October 21, 2022
  • Open access

Potential of an E-Learning Course in Students’ Creativity Development: Modelling, Implementation, Evaluation


The aim of the study is to test the effectiveness of an e-learning course organised in accordance with the author’s model for students’ creativity development by means of the electronic information and educational environment of the university. The paper describes the structure of the course, presents its adaptation to the “Foreign Language” discipline and analyses the results of students’ mutual evaluation of one another’s work. Scientific novelty of the study lies in elaborating a methodology for students’ creativity development by means of the electronic information and educational environment of the university within the framework of foreign language teaching. As a result, the researchers have been able to prove the effectiveness of the author’s model for students’ creativity development and the corresponding structure of the e-learning course, which makes it possible to recommend them to teachers of other social disciplines and the humanities focused on students’ creativity development.


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Author information

Anna Nikolaevna Oskina

St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television

Larisa Aleksandrovna Darinskaia


St. Petersburg University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: October 18, 2022.
  • Published: October 21, 2022.


  • электронное обучение
  • дистанционное обучение
  • креативность
  • e-learning
  • distance learning
  • creativity


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