• Original research article
  • December 26, 2022
  • Open access

The Issue of Developing Subtests to Determine the Basic Level of Russian as a Foreign Language Proficiency (A2)(Vocabulary. Grammar. Reading. Listening)


The aim of the study is to identify the problem areas of control over the formation of the receptive types of speech activity based on the analysis of the “Vocabulary. Grammar”, “Reading”, “Listening” subtests, used to determine the basic level of Russian as a foreign language proficiency (A2), taking into account the possibilities of correct diagnostics of language competencies development. Real subtests compiled by one of the main testing centers of the Russian Federation are used as the research material. Particular attention is paid to the compliance of tasks with modern requirements for language proficiency, primarily with communicative norms, namely the potential multiplicity of interpretations of tasks and answers, as well as the appropriateness of the time spent, the complexity of the metalanguage and the design of the proposed materials. Scientific novelty of the study lies in identifying the main issues in the development of the “Vocabulary. Grammar”, “Reading” and “Listening” subtests to assess the basic level of Russian as a foreign language proficiency and ways to optimise the use of the existing testing system. As a result, it has been found that the tasks with another possible answer option that is less likely in such a brief context without special conditions as well as the tasks with another possible answer option that is rather probable cause difficulties for examinees when taking the “Vocabulary. Grammar” subtest. Tasks of the “Reading” subtest actualise only reading for detail, skim reading skills and abilities are not checked, while a number of tasks also do not have a single definite answer. The main issue when conducting the “Listening” subtest is the technical conditions for the organisation of the examination.


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Author information

Polina Vladimirovna Markina


Altai State Pedagogical University

Maria Vladimirovna Voronets


Altai State Pedagogical University

Evgeniya Aleksandrovna Avvakumova


Altai State Pedagogical University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: November 4, 2022.
  • Published: December 26, 2022.


  • русский язык как иностранный
  • тестирование А2
  • субтест «Лексика. Грамматика»
  • субтест «Чтение»
  • субтест «Аудирование»
  • Russian as a foreign language
  • A2 testing
  • subtest “Vocabulary. Grammar”
  • subtest “Reading”
  • subtest “Listening”


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