• Original research article
  • February 28, 2023
  • Open access

Extracurricular Activity of Schoolchildren with Significant Intellectual Disabilities in Russia: A View from Within


The purpose of the article is to provide an assessment of the current state of extracurricular activity organization for children with significant intellectual disabilities in Russia using the method of the in-depth semi-structured interview. Scientific novelty lies in the following: the research was carried out within the humanistic sociocultural paradigm, in accordance with the principles of post-non-classical science. The analysis of the obtained data made it possible to make a “cut” of the current state of extracurricular activity, which, as the author hopes, will become the first step to the construction of its scientific picture. The problem of involvement of children with significant intellectual disabilities in extracurricular activity is considered holistically for the first time, including its socio-economic context, value-motivational orientation, and unique experience of the participants. The results are as follows: the research made it possible to reveal some peculiarities of the extracurricular activity of children with significant intellectual disabilities, to outline the range of its participants, its preferred types and forms, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of its current practice. A discrepancy was revealed between the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education of Students with Intellectual Disabilities in respect of the organization of extracurricular activity and its current state.


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Author information

Veronika Vladislavovna Parfenova

Moscow City Teachers’ Training University; School No. 108, Moscow

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: January 6, 2023.
  • Published: February 28, 2023.


  • внеурочная деятельность
  • школьники с выраженными интеллектуальными нарушениями (умеренной, тяжелой и глубокой умственной отсталостью)
  • методология специальной педагогики
  • глубокое полуструктурированное интервью
  • специальное образование в России
  • extracurricular activity
  • schoolchildren with significant intellectual disabilities (moderate, severe and profound mental retardation)
  • methodology of special (remedial) pedagogy
  • in-depth semi-structured interview
  • special education in Russia


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