• Original research article
  • April 28, 2023
  • Open access

Forms of organisation of students’ academic research work in scientific student groups at universities of the Russian Empire in the late XIX – early XX century


The paper examines the features of organisation of students’ academic research work in the practice of scientific student groups at higher education institutions of the Russian Empire in order to identify the most effective forms of work that have not lost their relevance in the development of student science today. The paper presents the specifics of development of scientific student groups at Russian higher education institutions since the early XIX century, outlines the prerequisites for their appearance, describes the reasons for their intensive development. The work sheds light on the main goals and objectives of scientific student groups, describes the primary areas of their activities, outlines the practical results of their functioning in the late XIX – early XX century. It is noted that student scientific groups create conditions for the comprehensive and most complete development and realisation of students’ creative and scientific potential, form strong scientific traditions, contribute to the improvement of students’ knowledge in various fields of science, have different forms of organisation of students’ academic research activities. At the same time, the practice of organising students’ academic research work at higher education institutions of the Russian Empire within these student scientific groups in the late XIX – early XX century makes it possible to support students’ intellectual activities and enhance their cognitive abilities. The scientific novelty lies in analysing the forms of students’ academic research work at higher education institutions of the Russian Empire within student scientific groups in the late XIX – early XX century. The provision on the essence of the educational charter (the University Charter of June 18, 1863) and its relationship with the content of students’ academic research work in auxiliary institutions at universities and institutes of the Russian Empire has been further developed. Socio-economic, pedagogical factors in the development of scientific student groups in the late XIX – early XX century have been highlighted. The research findings can be used in the educational process of higher education institutions when teaching the courses “Fundamentals of Higher Education Pedagogy”, “History of Pedagogy” to students, postgraduates, teachers of higher education institutions, giving lecture courses on comparative pedagogy, the history of the Russian Empire, as well as when preparing the corresponding textbooks, methodological recommendations from the said courses, term papers and final qualifying papers at pedagogical education institutions of the III-IV levels of higher education accreditation.


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Author information

Tatyana Borisovna Kuzyoma


Sevastopol State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: February 17, 2023.
  • Published: April 28, 2023.


  • научные студенческие кружки
  • научно-исследовательская деятельность студентов
  • университеты Российской империи
  • студенческая молодёжь
  • профессор
  • высшее образование
  • основные задачи научных студенческих кружков
  • функции научных студенческих кружков
  • библиотеки при научных студенческих кружках
  • scientific student groups
  • students’ academic research activities
  • universities of the Russian Empire
  • student youth
  • professor
  • higher education
  • main objectives of scientific student groups
  • functions of scientific student groups
  • libraries at scientific student groups


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