• Original research article
  • May 19, 2023
  • Open access

Teaching the ninth-form pupils to write a patriotic argumentative essay on the basis of modeling method for passing the Basic State Exam in Russian


The research is focused on revealing the features of teaching the ninth-form pupils to write a patriotic argumentative essay on the basis of modeling method. The paper considers the teaching system for preparing the ninth-form students for the Basic State Exam in Russian. This system is oriented on teaching the pupils to write a patriotic argumentative essay on the basis of modeling method. The algorithm of a step-by-step teacher’s work aimed at training the pupils to write a patriotic argumentative essay is represented. The peculiarities of using modeling method for the development of pupils’ written language is illustrated. The scientific novelty lies in the system approach to solving the problem of teaching the ninth-form pupils to write a patriotic argumentative essay on the basis of modeling method and in working out the integral complex of interconnected elements to prepare for the Basic State Exam in Russian and to develop pupils’ written language and writing skills. As the result, the step-by-step description of teaching process of the ninth-form pupils to write a patriotic argumentative essay with the use of modeling method has been suggested; the optimal techniques for the realization of modeling method for a successful preparation of the ninth-form pupils to write a patriotic argumentative essay (modeling at the levels of words, word-combinations, sentences and text; stylization; text expansion technique; technique of text idea modeling) have been defined.


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Author information

Tatyana Borisovna Kuznetsova


Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute

Natalia Nikolaevna Ryabchenko


Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: April 1, 2023.
  • Published: May 19, 2023.


  • сочинение-рассуждение на патриотическую тему
  • подготовка к ОГЭ по русскому языку
  • метод моделирования в обучении русскому языку
  • проблемы патриотического воспитания
  • школьное образование
  • patriotic argumentative essay
  • preparation for the Basic State Exam
  • modeling method for teaching Russian
  • problems of patriotic education
  • school education


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