Chinese fairy tales as a means of linguoculturological competence formation among international relations students
The paper deals with the issues of linguoculturological competence formation among students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in International Relations within the framework of Chinese teaching, which contributes to the improvement of intercultural communication. The work explores the linguoculturological approach to linguoculturological competence formation, which is a part of the intercultural communicative competence of language university students. In this regard, Chinese fairy tales are a valuable linguocultural material that contributes to an adequate understanding of national specifics and does not overload students with complex vocabulary, but at the same time, it is filled with cultural concepts, idioms, proverbs and linguoculturemes. The study aims to substantiate the feasibility of using Chinese fairy tales in the methodology of Chinese teaching as a linguocultural material for linguoculturological competence formation among international relations students. The paper describes the main genres of Chinese fairy tales and the principles of selecting the texts of Chinese fairy tales. The scientific novelty of the work lies in developing a system of using Chinese fairy tales as a linguocultural educational material for the compulsory discipline “Foreign Language (Chinese)” of the bachelor’s degree program “International Relations” in order to form students’ linguoculturological competence. As a result of the study, the linguodidactic potential of Chinese fairy tales for linguoculturological competence formation among students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in International Relations has been revealed. It has been proved that it is the formed linguoculturological competence that will contribute to a student’s successful intercultural communication with a representative of another linguistic culture.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: April 25, 2023.
- Published: June 19, 2023.
- китайский язык
- межкультурная коммуникативная компетенция
- лингвокультурологическая компетенция
- лингвокультурологический подход
- межкультурная коммуникация
- китайские сказки
- Chinese language
- intercultural communicative competence
- linguoculturological competence
- linguoculturological approach
- intercultural communication
- Chinese fairy tales
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