• Original research article
  • July 13, 2023
  • Open access

Audio description as a linguodidactic method of developing creative abilities among students of the humanities at non-linguistic universities in the process of teaching foreign languages


The study aims to substantiate that audio description, being a type of audiovisual translation, can be a relevant method of foreign language teaching that helps to develop creative abilities among students at non-linguistic universities. The paper examines the peculiarities of audiovisual translation, describes the process of using the audio description method for teaching foreign languages in order to develop creative abilities among students at non-linguistic universities and substantiates the potential of applying the audio description method in teaching foreign languages to students at non-linguistic universities. Scientific novelty lies in defining audio description as a linguodidactic method of foreign language teaching aimed at developing such creative abilities among students of the humanities at non-linguistic universities as the ability to create a literary verbal description, narration or commentary of a film in a target language. As a result, the main types of tasks and exercises for compiling a literary description/commentary of a film event focused on the development of students’ creative abilities in the process of learning foreign languages based on the linguodidactic method of audio description have been elaborated and presented.


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Author information

Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Samorodova


Moscow State Institute of International Relations

Sofia Andreevna Bakaeva


Moscow State Institute of International Relations

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: May 9, 2023.
  • Published: July 13, 2023.


  • тифлокомментирование
  • развитие творческих способностей
  • виды аудиовизуального перевода
  • художественный комментарий
  • обучение иностранным языкам
  • audio description
  • development of creative abilities
  • types of audiovisual translation
  • literary commentary
  • teaching foreign languages


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