• Original research article
  • October 20, 2023
  • Open access

Teaching video conference etiquette to students of non-linguistic majors studying Spanish as a second foreign language as a part of socio-cultural competence formation in the field of digital intercultural communication


The aim of the study is to substantiate the need to train students of non-linguistic majors in etiquette norms and rules of communication in the video conference format for socio-cultural competence formation in the field of digital intercultural interaction. The paper describes the socio-cultural features of the etiquette adopted in the Spanish-speaking world for effective digital communication in the video conferencing format, which lay a substantial foundation for teaching the culture of speech communication in Spanish during video conferences to future specialists in the field of information security. The paper describes the results of a pedagogical experiment on the assessment of knowledge and skills among 3rd-year students of the training programme 10.03.01 Information Security in the field of video conference etiquette in Spanish. The scientific novelty lies in identifying the etiquette norms and rules of communication in the video conference format, which are the components of the content of teaching Spanish as a second foreign language to students of non-linguistic majors. As a result of the study, the socio-cultural factors mediating effective communication with a representative of Spanish linguoculture in the conditions of videoconferencing and determining the specifics of socio-cultural competence formation among students studying Spanish in the field of digital intercultural interaction have been identified; the authors’ system of exercises and diagnostic game have been developed to assess the level of knowledge and skills of students in the field of the video conferencing etiquette peculiar to the Spanish culture of communication.


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Author information

Maria Valeryevna Romanova


Moscow State Linguistic University

Svetlana Abuzarovna Bagirova

Moscow State Linguistic University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: September 9, 2023.
  • Published: October 20, 2023.


  • этикет видеоконференции
  • социокультурная компетенция
  • цифровая межкультурная коммуникация
  • видеоконференцсвязь
  • обучение испанскому языку
  • video conference etiquette
  • socio-cultural competence
  • digital intercultural communication
  • video conferencing
  • Spanish language teaching


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