• Original research article
  • January 25, 2024
  • Open access

Pioneers of preschool education in Russia S. A. Lyugebil and A. S. Simonovich


The aim of the study is to characterize the efforts of Sofia Andreevna Lyugebil (1824-1914) and Adelaida Semyonovna Simonovich (1844-1933) to open the very first preschool institutions in Russia. The article reveals little-known facts of their biographies and provides data on their practical teaching activities. The text of the article includes memoirs of contemporaries (E. N. Vodovozova, the ‘Sovremennik’ journal), as well as those of former students (A. N. Benois, I. V. Petrashen) of K. I. May’s private gymnasium, where S. A. Lyugebil worked. The scientific novelty of the study lies in introducing into scientific use factual material related to the initial stage of preschool education development in Russia, which remains little known. The participation of S. A. Lyugebil, A. S. Simonovich and their spouses in the work of the first Russian pedagogical society is noted. The contribution of A. S. Simonovich to the development of the theory of preschool education is characterized, her efforts to open the ‘Detsky sad’ journal, the first Russian periodical on preschool subjects, are shown. Information is provided on the initial stage of the organization of preschool education abroad, as well as in Russia (in the pre-Soviet period). The publication of the article coincides with the 200th anniversary of the birth of S. A. Lyugebil and the 180th anniversary of the birth of A. S. Simonovich.


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Author information

Vladimir Borisovich Pomelov


Vyatka State University, Kirov

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: December 16, 2023.
  • Published: January 25, 2024.


  • С. А. Люгебиль
  • К. Я. Люгебиль
  • К. И. Май
  • К. Д. Ушинский
  • А. С. Симонович
  • Я. М. Симонович
  • Ф. Ф. Седмиградский
  • Н. А. Сеньковский
  • первые дошкольные учреждения за рубежом и в России
  • S. A. Lyugebil
  • K. Ya. Lyugebil
  • K. I. May
  • K. D. Ushinsky
  • A. S. Simonovich
  • Ya. M. Simonovich
  • F. F. Sedmigradsky
  • N. A. Senkovsky
  • first preschool institutions abroad and in Russia


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