Infographics as a means of optimizing the teaching of Russian to Chinese students
The aim of this paper is to study the key features of infographic texts and the stages of working with them when working with Chinese students, as well as the justification for the use of infographics as a way of optimizing the educational process while teaching Russian as a foreign language to Chinese students. The article deals with the special characteristics and specifics of working with infographics in the Russian language lessons. The article gives examples of work-organizing process, analyzes basic infographic components, and describes the process of their creation. “Self-made” infographics are to be used by students and teachers during the lesson to actualize the topic, to study lexical and grammatical material, and facilitate its quick assimilation. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the development of the methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language to Chinese students on the basis of infographical texts. As the result of the study, the author highlights the specific features of infographical text in connection with the specifics of character based cultural type perception and advantages of using infographics while teaching Russian as a foreign language to Chinese students. The study highlights that infographics are considered to be graphical data carriers and can become an effective educational tool for all language activities. Thus, the author also provides a step-by-step methodical approach to teaching Russian as a foreign language to Chinese students on the basis of infographical text.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: November 28, 2023.
- Published: May 13, 2024.
- обучение русскому языку как иностранному
- китайские студенты
- инфографический текст
- визуальное мышление
- методика работы с инфографикой
- teaching Russian as a foreign language
- Chinese students
- infographic text
- visual thinking
- methodology of working with infographics
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