• Original research article
  • December 9, 2024
  • Open access

Influence of contextual technologies on the individual internal lexical and semantic context of the subject of educational activity: An empirical study


The purpose of the study is to show the influence of contextual pedagogical technologies on the formation of the individual internal lexical and semantic context of the subject of educational activity. The article describes the results of the study, which consists of theoretical and empirical stages, the content of which is determined by the purpose of this study. The study was conducted during 2021-2024 (N = 87) with the participation of first- and second-year students of one of the universities in Yekaterinburg. The scientific novelty of the results lies in the fact that for the first time the influence of contextual pedagogical technologies on the individual internal lexical and semantic context of the subject of educational activity is investigated, reflecting the change in the intrapersonal context of students in different years of study and determining personal and professional development in the educational process. As a result of the study, it is revealed that in the conditions of an educational environment organized with the use of contextual technologies, there is a change in the individual internal lexical and semantic context of the subject of educational activity. The dynamics of the change in the individual internal lexical and semantic context reflects the transformation of the intrapersonal context. Systematic design of contextual pedagogical technologies contributes to the transformation of educational activity into professional activity, the development of mechanisms of internal activity, socio-psychological mechanisms.


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Author information

Tatiana Stanislavovna Vershinina


Ural State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Yekaterinburg

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: November 4, 2024.
  • Published: December 9, 2024.


  • субъект образовательной деятельности
  • внутриличностный контекст
  • индивидуальный внутренний лексико-семантический контекст
  • педагогические технологии контекстного типа
  • механизмы внутренней активности субъекта деятельности
  • subject of educational activity
  • intrapersonal context
  • individual internal lexical and semantic context
  • contextual pedagogical technologies
  • mechanisms of inner activity of the subject of activity


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