Forming the pedagogical skill of “self-management” in students of psychology-pedagogical classes
The research aims to justify the effectiveness of organizing systematic work with students in a psychology-pedagogical class to form the pedagogical skill component of “self-management”. To achieve this goal, a series of lessons in a specialized class is required. The article addresses the current problem of forming pedagogical skills in future teachers. An analysis of the scientific psychological and pedagogical literature on the research topic is presented. The research novelty lies in the description of the experience of working with students in this direction and the conclusion that, at the stage of training future teachers in specialized classes, they should be taught methods, techniques, and methodologies of self-regulation. This will allow them to achieve success in life and in their future professional activities, since a teacher’s ability to manage and regulate their internal state is one of the necessary conditions for effective work. Research was conducted to assess the formation of the pedagogical skill component of “self-management” in students. The research established that a series of lessons within the framework of a program to form self-management skills in a psychology-pedagogical class increased stress resistance in future teachers.
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The research was conducted under the project “Development of a Methodology for Forming Pedagogical Skills in Future Teachers through Dialogue with Intelligent Systems in the Space of a University Technopark”, implemented with the financial support of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation within the framework of the state assignment (Additional Agreement No. 073-03-2024-058/7 dated November 2, 2024, between the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Glazov State Engineering and Pedagogical University named after V. G. Korolenko to Agreement No. 073-03-2024-058 dated January 19, 2024, registration number НИОКТР 1023033000355-3-5.3.1).
Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: November 3, 2024.
- Published: December 16, 2024.
- педагогическая техника
- класс психолого-педагогической направленности
- саморегуляция будущих педагогов
- стрессоустойчивость будущих педагогов
- pedagogical skill
- psychology-pedagogical class
- self-regulation of future teachers
- stress resistance of future teachers
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