• Original research article
  • January 14, 2025
  • Open access

Prominent Russian teacher I. N. Zhukov: “Love your homeland, fight for it and be the first in your work!”


The purpose of the study is to characterize the pedagogical activity of a prominent Russian teacher of the first half of the 20th century Innokenty Nikolaevich Zhukov (1875-1948) on the organization of the scout and pioneer movement in Russia. The study presents the circumstances of the emergence of scouting in Russia, and then the pioneer movement. Little-known facts of Zhukov's biography are established. The content of his organizational, literary and creative (in the field of sculpture) work is revealed. Innokenty Nikolaevich's contribution to each of these fields of activity is assessed. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the introduction into scientific circulation of little-known factual material relating to the initial period of development of scouting in Russia, and subsequently the pioneer organization. The results of the research are disclosure of little-known facts of Zhukov's biography, assessment of his pedagogical projects in the field of education of children and adolescents, analysis of his multifaceted organizational and practical educational activities. Zhukov is also shown as a writer and cultural figure who, through his work, contributed to solving the tasks of educating the younger generation that were relevant for his time. The text includes statements about him by famous contemporaries (O. Rodin, A. V. Lunacharsky, A.M. Gorky) and teachers (A. V. Vakhtin, E. Ya. Grobin, I. I. Zhukova-Plotnikova). The study is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of I. N. Zhukov.


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Author information

Vladimir Borisovich Pomelov


Vyatka State University, Kirov

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: December 3, 2024.
  • Published: January 14, 2025.


  • скаутское движение в России
  • организация пионерского движения
  • пионерская организация в СССР
  • Иннокентий Николаевич Жуков
  • история пионерского движения
  • the Scout movement in Russia
  • the organization of the pioneer movement
  • the pioneer organization in the USSR
  • Innokenty Nikolaevich Zhukov
  • the history of the pioneer movement


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