Teaching Chinese in Confucius Institutes in the Russian Far East: features, problems, and prospects
This article examines the activities of Confucius Institutes operating in the Russian Far East. The aim of the study is to assess the impact of Confucius Institutes in the Far East on increasing interest in the Chinese language in the region. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the creation of targeted recommendations that can be implemented step-by-step in each Confucius Institute. The main emphasis in the recommendations is placed on the following principle: strengthening the interaction of the two sides organizing the Chinese language learning process. Russian and Chinese universities should jointly coordinate work both in matters of methodological support and technological provision, and in matters of the practical orientation of the process. Through analysis of relevant literature and a survey of employees of the Far Eastern Confucius Institutes, this article reveals the role of these educational organizations in promoting the Chinese language in the Far East. As a result of the study, the main problems hindering the most effective functioning of Confucius Institutes are identified: low student motivation, a shortage of modern methodological tools and highly qualified teachers, and an insufficient material and technical base. The paper also suggests possible approaches to improving the quality of Chinese language teaching: ongoing internships and professional development courses for teachers; the development of language programs tailored to specific requests; close cultural interaction with native speakers; and the gradual improvement of the learning environment (language study classrooms).
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: January 2, 2025.
- Published: February 4, 2025.
- Институты Конфуция на Дальнем Востоке России
- преподавание китайского языка
- продвижение китайской культуры
- повышение интереса к китайскому языку
- Confucius Institutes in the Russian Far East
- teaching Chinese
- promoting Chinese culture
- increasing interest in the Chinese language
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