The article reveals the possibility of primary schoolchildren’s geometric conceptions forming on the basis of the integrated approach that helps pupils to see and realize that geometric phenomena take place not only in mathematics but also in nature and visual arts. It is shown that modern school focuses on the study of autonomous subjects, which without interdisciplinary connections do not allow teaching and educating primary schoolchildren in a versatile way. That is why the ability to transfer knowledge from one subject area to another is an indicator of a pupil’s intellectual development, it forms a holistic view of nature and society. The integrated approach to teaching primary schoolchildren is presented by the example of a fragment of a Fine Art lesson at primary school (grade 2).
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: May 2, 2019.
- Published: July 17, 2019.
- интегрированный подход
- интеграция
- младший школьник
- геометрическое понятие
- изобразительная деятельность
- эффективность учебной деятельности
- урок математики
- урок изобразительного искусства (ИЗО)
- integrated approach
- integration
- primary schoolchild
- geometric conception
- graphic activity
- educational activity efficiency
- Math lesson
- Fine Art lesson
© 2019 The Author(s)
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