Health-Saving Technologies in Remedial Education of Preschool Children with Speech Disorders
The paper aims to identify and justify relevant health-saving technologies while working with preschool children with speech disorders. The article considers theoretical and methodological aspects of rehabilitation of preschool children with speech disorders, formulates tasks, prospects and expected results. Studies on somatic and psychophysical health of children with impaired speech development are analysed. The notion “health” is clarified and the basic approaches to defining this notion are described. The author reveals specificity of the health state and peculiarities of forming the locomotor sphere of children with speech disorders, suggests rehabilitation methods based on health-saving technologies. Scientific originality of the study involves choice and justification of efficient pedagogical methods and techniques for correction of locomotor disorders and overall rehabilitation of preschool children with speech disorders, such as relaxation breaks, different types of dynamic breaks, physical exercises. The conducted research has allowed the author to justify the use of health-saving technologies taking into account physiological peculiarities of preschool children with speech disorders.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: March 4, 2020.
- Published: June 30, 2020.
- общее оздоровление
- физические упражнения
- дети дошкольного возраста
- дети с нарушениями речи
- здоровьесберегающие технологии
- коррекционно-образовательный процесс
- overall rehabilitation
- physical exercises
- preschool children
- children with speech disorders
- health-saving technologies
- remedial education
© 2020 The Author(s)
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