Role of Interdisciplinary Relationships Principle in the Course of Future Translators’ Professional Training
The study aims to demonstrate how interconnected teaching of various academic disciplines and language aspects impacts educational process organisation and quality of students’ professional training (students being future translators). The article considers the issue of using the principle of interdisciplinary relationships in the course of future translators’ professional training. Basing on the analysis of educational process, the authors conclude that such an approach to students’ professional training that does not take into account the principle of interdisciplinary relationships is not effective enough in developing their professional competence. The work shows clearly the connection between various academic disciplines in linguistic, translational, educational and other types of training. The study is novel in that it produces methodological recommendations for organising educational process by means of interconnected teaching of various language aspects contributing to a higher quality of future translators’ professional training. As a result of the study, the necessity for interconnected teaching of all the language aspects is identified and ascertained. The authors provide methodological recommendations on how to organise educational process taking into account this principle.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: March 17, 2020.
- Published: June 30, 2020.
- межпредметные связи
- профессиональная подготовка будущих переводчиков
- профессиональная компетентность
- переводческая подготовка
- лингвистическая подготовка
- общеобразовательная подготовка
- interdisciplinary relationships
- professional training of future translators
- professional competence
- translational training
- linguistic training
- educational training
© 2020 The Author(s)
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