Meaningful Aspect of Using Video Materials as Means to Develop Learners’ English-Language Communicative Competence
The article considers the problem of using video materials when forming learners’ English-language communicative competence, the emphasis is made on the issue of video content security. The use of video materials promotes formation of learners’ linguistic culture and is in tune with modern ergonomic and pedagogical requirements for educational process organization. The article provides a classification of video content and analyses criteria for choosing video materials taking into account their secure use in foreign language teaching. Scientific originality of the study is conditioned by the fact that the choice of educational video materials is considered from the viewpoint of developing learners’ English-language communicative competence and taking into account security of video content and also by the fact that the authors analyse information security risks associated with the use of digital content in educational process. The research findings are as follows: the authors prove that video materials satisfying the basic methodological principles and information security criteria help to overcome cultural and language barrier when learning a foreign (English) language, stimulate learners’ cognitive processes and are safe for target age groups of learners, taking into account modern ergonomic and pedagogical requirements.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: May 22, 2020.
- Published: August 31, 2020.
- коммуникативная компетенция
- видеоматериалы
- содержательный аспект
- обучение английскому языку
- лингвистическая культура
- communicative competence
- video materials
- meaningful aspect
- English language teaching
- linguistic culture
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