Forming Master’s Degree Students’ Projective Skills While Studying the Discipline “Theory and Practice of Educational Process Management”
The paper examines formation of Master’s degree students’ projective skills while studying the discipline “Theory and Practice of Educational Process Management”. The article analyses the concept “educational space” from the viewpoint of the activity-based approach, reveals importance of Master’s degree students’ projective skills, describes the logic of educational space projection within the framework of the Master’s degree course “Theory and Practice of Educational Process Management” taking into account inclusive education. In accordance with the research objective, the author reveals the content and structure of professional competence, describes a sequence of tasks students perform when preparing for intermediate assessment. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the researcher introduces her original approach to formation of students’ projective skills while studying the discipline “Theory and Practice of Educational Process Management”, substantiates criteria to assess the level of professional competence and develops a grading scale, proposes a system of multi-level intermediary tasks on the discipline (threshold level, basic level, advanced level) in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education (FSES HE 3++) (Master’s degree program, subject area “Pedagogy”). The research findings are as follows: the author justifies relevance of the proposed system of tasks aimed to develop Master’s degree students’ projective skills. In fact, the proposed organizational and methodological model is based on administrative strategies that can be implemented in various forms taking into account results of studies on educational space projection.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: May 7, 2020.
- Published: August 31, 2020.
- проектирование образовательного пространства
- деятельностный подход
- управление воспитательным процессом
- магистрант
- профессиональные компетенции
- educational space projection
- activity-based approach
- educational process management
- Master’s degree student
- professional competencies
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