• Original research article
  • December 28, 2021
  • Open access

Competence Approach to Teaching Bioethics to Medical University Students When Addressing the Agism Problem


The paper aims to ground the possibility of the competence approach to teaching bioethics to medical university students by the example of the problem of agism. The article grounds the relevance of the agism problem analysis in pedagogical process when forming bioethical competences from the perspective of work with vulnerable population groups in the modern society. By the example of addressing the problem of agism in bioethics, the study has revealed the content of the process of formation of the competent attitude to the professional ethical issues in the higher school educational process within the competence approach to the formation of the continuity of requirements set by the educational and professional standards on realizing the ethical and deontological principles of professional activity. The scientific originality of the research is determined by the authors’ approach to the issue of studying and preventing the agism problem among medical university students. The grounds for the relevance of the analysis of the agism problem in teaching modern bioethics, as well as the objectives of the formation of the competent attitude to the problem of agism in the higher school educational process have been identified. As a result, the integration of ethical-deontological issues of agism into the bioethics course and the importance of realization of the competence approach in order to ensure the continuity of the requirements of educational and professional standards in the process of teaching the future medical specialists have been substantiated.


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Author information

Olga Nikolaevna Startseva


Yaroslavl State Medical University

Denis Evgenievich Firsov


Yaroslavl State Medical University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: November 6, 2021.
  • Published: December 28, 2021.


  • эйджизм
  • биоэтика
  • компетентностный подход, медицинский вуз
  • биоэтические компетенции
  • agism
  • bioethics
  • competence approach
  • medical university
  • bioethical competences


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© 2021 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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