• Original research article
  • February 28, 2022
  • Open access

Graduate Students’ Self-Education Skill Development through the Organisation of Independent Work in the University E-Learning Environment in the Frame of the Discipline “Business Foreign Language in Professional Activity”


The purpose of the study is to substantiate the effectiveness of organising graduate students’ independent work in the university e-learning environment in the frame of an author’s e-learning course for the discipline “Business Foreign Language in Professional Activity” on the LMS Moodle platform to develop their self-education skill. The paper provides insight into the notion of “self-education skill”, which is a necessary competence in graduate students’ educational activity within the implementation of their independent work in the e-learning course for the discipline “Business Foreign Language in Professional Activity” on the LMS Moodle platform; describes the stages and organisation of graduate students’ independent work in the said e-learning course; identifies the levels of self-education skill formation among the students. Scientific novelty of the study lies in introducing new digital technologies into the educational process of higher education, i.e. the author’s e-learning course for the discipline “Business Foreign Language in Professional Activity” on the LMS Moodle platform and a Coursera massive open online course integrated into the author’s e-learning course for the implementation of graduate students’ effective independent work in order to form their self-education skill. The results of the study are as follows: the researchers have shed light on the notion of “self-education skill”, which is a key competence in the modern world; have created the author’s e-learning course for the discipline “Business Foreign Language in Professional Activity” on the LMS Moodle platform, within the frame of which graduate students’ independent work was implemented; have organised students’ independent work in the said e-learning course; have described the stages of graduate students’ independent work in the e-learning course.


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Author information

Anastasia Georgievna Shirokolobova


T. F. Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University, Kemerovo

Julia Sergeevna Larionova

Kemerovo State Medical University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: December 24, 2021.
  • Published: February 28, 2022.


  • навык самообразования
  • студенты-магистры
  • организация самостоятельной работы
  • электронная среда вуза
  • деловой иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности
  • self-education skill
  • graduate students
  • organisation of independent work
  • university e-learning environment
  • Business Foreign Language in Professional Activity


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