• Original research article
  • September 12, 2023
  • Open access

Pedagogical support for preschool children from military families in the conditions of military conflict


The study aims to determine the key characteristics of pedagogical support for preschool children from military families whose fathers were called up for military service as part of a special military operation, i.e. the concept of pedagogical support, its purpose, principles, by considering modern approaches to the problem of pedagogical support for such children. The paper offers the authors’ point of view on the understanding of pedagogical support for preschool children, since little attention has been paid to the problem of pedagogical support for preschool children from military families in the conditions of a local military conflict. The scientific novelty of the study lies in identifying the essential and content-related characteristics of pedagogical support for preschool children from the families of special military operation participants and citizens called up for military service during partial mobilization. As a result, scientists’ modern views on the problem of pedagogical support for preschool children from military families and the influence of the conditions of military conflict on the children’s emotional state are demonstrated, the authors’ own definition of the notion of pedagogical support for preschool children from military families whose fathers were called up for military service during a special military operation is given, the goals and principles of pedagogical support are specified. It is stated that pedagogical support is necessary for children from military families learning how to develop their own line of conduct, meaningful and necessary for them.


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Author information

Marina Vladimirovna Sycheva


Penza State University

Anna Sergeevna Kulikova

Penza State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: August 1, 2023.
  • Published: September 12, 2023.


  • педагогическое сопровождение
  • дети дошкольного возраста
  • семьи военнослужащих
  • специальная военная операция
  • ситуация военного конфликта
  • pedagogical support
  • preschool children
  • military families
  • special military operation
  • situation of military conflict


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