• Original research article
  • September 16, 2024
  • Open access

An English-language course as a means of career guidance and self-determination in secondary school (grades 10-11, preparing future diplomats)


The aim of the study is to justify the need to develop an English-language course for immersion in a professional field within the framework of organizing career guidance for schoolchildren (grades 10-11). The paper emphasizes the expediency of using a specially constructed foreign-language course (English for future diplomats) in preparing high school students for career choice. The authors present their experience in creating and testing this course at the International School of Youth Diplomacy, vividly describing the components of the design process. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that it describes for the first time the stages of organizing career guidance for high school students based on a separately developed specialized English-language course for linguodidactic purposes. As a result, the researchers present features of modeling the “English for Future Diplomats” course, provide specific recommendations for its development, and outline methods for organizing student work, taking into account the specifics of the course program.


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Author information

Natalia Igorevna Tsvetkova


MGIMO University, Moscow

Tatyana Nikolaevna Yablokova


MGIMO University, Moscow

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: August 2, 2024.
  • Published: September 16, 2024.


  • профессиональная ориентация и профессиональное самоопределение школьников
  • осознанный выбор профессии
  • профильное обучение
  • моделирование курса по английскому языку
  • английский язык для будущих дипломатов
  • career guidance and career self-determination of schoolchildren
  • conscious career choice
  • specialized education
  • English language course modeling
  • English for future diplomats


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