Positive aspects and problems of alternative organization of conditional family schools from the perspective of parents (legal representatives)
The article examines the results of a survey of parents (legal representatives) whose children study in conditional family schools, which are a way of alternative traditional organization of family education, in which the child partly studies in the family, partly in a non-governmental school that helps solve the problems of family education. The main purpose of the work is to identify the positive aspects and key problems of the activities of conditional family schools from the perspective of the parents (legal representatives) of the students. The scientific novelty of the research consists in identifying the main positive aspects of the work of conditional family schools, such as protecting children from negative influences, a positive atmosphere of the educational process as a whole; the opportunity to follow family traditions and spiritual and moral principles, communicate with peers of similar views; parental involvement in the educational process, parents focus together with the school administration and teachers on the overall positive learning outcome of the child. The emphasis is on the individual requests and needs of the child, building individual development trajectories, helping to overcome learning difficulties, and developing the nature of learning. As a result of the study, it was revealed that the main problems of organizing the activities of conditional family schools are problems related to the material and technical equipment of the educational process, the provision of classrooms and equipment, and the school's ability to teach disciplines requiring special equipment, such as physical education, labor training, and computer science. These problems are promising goals for the development of conditional family schools and do not affect the overall positive perception of the educational process by parents. Tthe activities of such schools act as an alternative to education in other schools that promote the child's general education.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: November 16, 2024.
- Published: December 24, 2024.
- общее образование
- семейное образование
- семейная форма обучения
- условно-семейные школы
- альтернативные школы
- general education
- family education
- family form of education
- conditional family schools
- alternative schools
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