• Original research article
  • March 31, 2023
  • Open access

Definition of value positions of university students studying fiction (by the example of L. N. Tolstoy’s story “The Death of Ivan Ilyich”)


The aim of the study is to define the value positions of the first-year students training in “Advertising and Public Relations” and “Education”. These value positions are connected with the key moral issues of the story “The Death of Ivan Ilyich” by L. N. Tolstoy. In the article 100 essays have been analyzed to identify the ethical pathos of L. N. Tolstoy’s story “The Death of Ivan Ilyich” by the students and to reveal the students’ abilities to correlate this ethical pathos with the episodes and fragments of the text and with their own value orientations. The scientific novelty consists in the identification of students’ the value positions which correspond to the spirit of the epoch. But these value positions are socially inferior and at the same time they are the “limits” which demand pedagogical correction of the values. As a result, the authors of this research paper managed to reveal the value ideas of the youth. They are the priority of the idea to enjoy life; concept break between “career” and “responsibility”; the interpretation of the concept “happiness” only in personal and private context; the interpretation of the notion “serving” as serving their own interests, the interests of their families and some others. The incompleteness and narrowness of these value ideas allowed the authors of this article to conclude that pedagogical work on the formation and development of readers’ value positions via studying classical fiction must remain one of the basic direction for teaching literature at school and at the university.


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Author information

Irina Evgenievna Bryakova


Orenburg State Pedagogical University

Maria Evgenievna Kudryavtseva


St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University “LETI”

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: February 12, 2023.
  • Published: March 31, 2023.


  • студенты вуза
  • этика ответственности
  • ценностные позиции
  • этический предел
  • образовательный процесс
  • художественная литература
  • university students
  • ethics of responsibility
  • value positions
  • ethics boundary
  • educational process
  • fiction


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