Contents July 31, 2024 Open access 2024. Volume 9. Issue 7 All issues Top General Pedagogy Educational event as a subject of pedagogical analysis N. N. Kalatskaya The interdependence of the development of critical thinking and educational subjectivity in the structure of the set of meta-subject competencies of higher education students N. V. Khismatulina Vocational Education Features of teaching a foreign language (English) to students of a language university in a multilingual educational space (on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan) N. N. Krivosheeva Theory and Methods of Teaching and Upbringing Historical and cultural commentary as a necessary condition for the successful implementation of the school literature curriculum S. B. Borisov Foreign Language Teaching The use of multimedia presentations in teaching foreign language vocabulary in elementary school K. O. Vasilyeva I. A. Krylova Jigsaw technique in foreign language classes at a non-linguistic university (using the example of working with video materials) Z. A. Aksenova N. V. Stolbovskaya O. S. Aksenova The content of teaching a professionally oriented foreign language for students of customs K. E. Afonina Development and implementation of video tutorials as a means of optimizing the independent work of students of a non-linguistic university in English O. O. Zakharova The project activity as a component of teaching academic writing to students of non-linguistic universities in the genre of a survey report based on the material of the English language N. V. Voronevskaya E. D. Butsyk The causes of the language barrier in high school students when learning a foreign language N. I. Semyonova D. Z. Iakobadze Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language Sociocultureme as a unit of semantization of extralinguistic knowledge when teaching Russian as a foreign language E. V. Alikina M. V. Zhdanova Features of the organization of work with phraseological somatisms in classes on Russian as a foreign language (textbook project of vocabulary type for the middle stage of language learning) G. S. Nizamutdinova Heritage of Pedagogy The views of S. T. Shatsky and V. N. Shatskaya on the family as an environment of aesthetic education T. N. Bannikova T. B. Ohanyan Book Reviews Scientific review of the educational publication: Allagulova A. A. Extracurricular activities of a teacher of technology and the subject area "Art": an educational and methodological guide. Ufa: Aeterna, 2024. 100 p. A. A. Sterkhov
The interdependence of the development of critical thinking and educational subjectivity in the structure of the set of meta-subject competencies of higher education students N. V. Khismatulina
Features of teaching a foreign language (English) to students of a language university in a multilingual educational space (on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan) N. N. Krivosheeva
Historical and cultural commentary as a necessary condition for the successful implementation of the school literature curriculum S. B. Borisov
The use of multimedia presentations in teaching foreign language vocabulary in elementary school K. O. Vasilyeva I. A. Krylova
Jigsaw technique in foreign language classes at a non-linguistic university (using the example of working with video materials) Z. A. Aksenova N. V. Stolbovskaya O. S. Aksenova
The content of teaching a professionally oriented foreign language for students of customs K. E. Afonina
Development and implementation of video tutorials as a means of optimizing the independent work of students of a non-linguistic university in English O. O. Zakharova
The project activity as a component of teaching academic writing to students of non-linguistic universities in the genre of a survey report based on the material of the English language N. V. Voronevskaya E. D. Butsyk
The causes of the language barrier in high school students when learning a foreign language N. I. Semyonova D. Z. Iakobadze
Sociocultureme as a unit of semantization of extralinguistic knowledge when teaching Russian as a foreign language E. V. Alikina M. V. Zhdanova
Features of the organization of work with phraseological somatisms in classes on Russian as a foreign language (textbook project of vocabulary type for the middle stage of language learning) G. S. Nizamutdinova
The views of S. T. Shatsky and V. N. Shatskaya on the family as an environment of aesthetic education T. N. Bannikova T. B. Ohanyan
Scientific review of the educational publication: Allagulova A. A. Extracurricular activities of a teacher of technology and the subject area "Art": an educational and methodological guide. Ufa: Aeterna, 2024. 100 p. A. A. Sterkhov